Transmission with continuously variable velocity, automatic, includes a built in clutch- the Glen element
The transmission is designed to transfer movement to all the mechanical equipment, including vehicles, the movement varies continuously according to the choice of the user, automatically, semi-automatically or manually.
The change to vehicles with an electric engine and an internal combustion engine- combined between them, called for the development of a transmission with new capabilities that did not exist in the past.
The new transmission includes controlled elements called Glen elements, which make it possible for the transmission to operate at any range of transferring velocities whereas the engine operating the transmission can operate at a fixed or changing velocity at its maximal efficiency, an operation which saves fuel, and provides a great momentum and efficiency while the engine maintains maximal cooling.
The control of this transmission is by the use of a number of sensors located inside the transmission, these sensors can provide the user with precise information about the operation options, changing velocities and changing momentums at any given time.
Operating the transmission using an electronic controller can provide a range of options that do not exist in other transmissions! All this during easy operation in real time.
In summation, a relatively simple transmission, easy to manufacture, inexpensive, with minimal energy loss, and operation options which do not exist in other transmissions- the desire of every engineer and user.
A Transmission under development:
CVT- A Continuously Variable Transmission which receives ,movement from several engines simultaneously, having control over the power input, power output towards one direction or more.